At Pretty Things Hoarder we pride ourselves in selling ONLY authentic items and help make luxury things affordable for anyone! 

If you would like to order a third party authentication certificate, to go along with any bag purchased from our website, click on the image below.

The company that we use is who is both recognized and recommended by Paypal and Ebay. 

This process may take from 2-5 days. Once we receive the certificate we will send you a printed copy with you handbag.

If you have any questions about this feature please contact us at



Today, the online market is flooded with fake and replica bags. Websites like Ebay, Poshmark, Threadflip are filled with dishonest sellers who sell fake bags and scamming people out of their hard-earned money! That's why it's very important to educate yourself on what to look for when you are shopping for designer handbags online. 

Here is a list of a few helpful links that we found on authenticating designer handbags. We will be adding more to this list soon!

How to Authenticate LOUIS VUITTON Handbags 

Authenticating Louis Vuitton Vintage Speedy Bags

How to Authenticate CHANEL Bags